Cory in the house episode 35 ´´Hail to the devil´´

I love Cory in the House, It was my favorite Sunday cartoon back in the day, I used to crave more episodes of Cory in the House so much i would write fan fictions to calm my thirst. But than i found it, to this day it scares me just to think about it, in fact i may just throw myself out of the window when this is over. It was Cory in the house episode 35 "Hail to the Devil".
I will start out by saying that ever since the whole "Cory in the house is best anime" thing started i remembered the show so i went on Ebay to go look for a DVD Copy of Cory in the House. Until i saw one listing called "Cory in the house episode 35" I found this strange since i knew that there were only 34 episodes of Cory in the House, As you can imagine i was wet when i found out there was another episode. My mind was telling me no but my body was telling me yes so i purchased the DVD and it arrived 6 months late, I did not care i was ready for Cory.
The Mail man arrived at my door but he looked a bit off, I ignored it and took the package he left. When i opened it up i saw the DVD with black sharpie written on it. If i was normal i would of drove it in the woods and leave it there but i am not normal, I am a Coryoholic so i put the DVD in the DVD player and started watching.
The episode started with the words "Hail to the Devil" which is what i nicknamed the episode. In the episode Cory was standing in front of the white house while it burned down, the sky was black, Cory was red, he had red eyes, he was bleeding from the eyes, bleeding from the mouth, he had a Hitler mustache, and the Cory in the house theme song was playing in reverse and slowed down.
Cory was staring at me for about 27.9 seconds till he told me scary things such
as "Hitler did nothing wrong" "Smike is a good person" "Bush did 9/11" Etc. He was changing my prospective of life, Cory was scaring me. He was once my childhood hero but now he is my adulthood fear. Than he said "look to the left-" when i did i saw the mail man standing there
watching me only he was not the mail man. He was a skeleton in a mask the whole time. The skeleton ripped off my skin and used it to become a human again. He than left.
I am now a skeleton. I am dressed up like a post man waiting for someone to purchase my copy of Cory in the house episode 35 so i can steal their skin and no longer be a skeleton. I am posting this to warn the world of this curse.